Monday, October 22, 2007

Trip to Stockholm

I'm enjoying the day off today after returning home last night with my family from a week long production at Ekebyholm, the Adventist high-school near Stockholm. This particular trip was unique because it was the first time that myself, the audio technician and our four Media Missionaries were the only ones who came from LifeStyleTV. The producer thought it would be better for me to lead this time while he and the others worked on other projects at the station. All I can say is that the Lord really blessed with a very smooth production. We taped every morning and night a week of prayer with Jeffrey Rosario. My crew and equipment performed very well and we all had a good time.

As a bonus, it happened to be Roxana's birthday that week, so we all took a day off between meetings on Thursday to have some fun in Stockholm. We took a quick trip by the castle where the king and queen live, ate at this amazing vegetarian all-you-can-stuff-yourself-silly restaurant that overlooks the river, and visited a museum that houses the Vasa, a 17th century Swedish war ship that sank in the harbor on her maiden voyage due to design flaws stubbornly held onto by the king at that time. Then we finished off at one of Stockholm's premier bakeries for cake and a tour by one of the bakers who happens to be a good friend and former Media Missionary at LifeStyleTV.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful birthday in Stockholm! It is so sad that you plan leaving Sweden! It is not easy to leave in a country where the language and the people are little bit strange! Keep you in my prayers.