Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Richard III's Fourth Birthday

On Sunday, September 16th, two days after Richard III's Birthday, we held a small party for him and invited his best friend, Elliot. Elliot's dad is the Communication Director at LifeStyleTV. We organized a treasure hunt for the boys and Roxana made lots of yummy food that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Just before we sat down to eat, we spotted three moose in our back yard! That was probably the biggest birthday surprise of all.

~Richard & Roxana


Unknown said...

That was cute. Lucky kid. I never got a firetruck (?) cake for my birthday....

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! awwwwww! i miss you guys! it's really cool to watch the video and have been there...i sat on that couch...me and Richard swang on that swing...hey i rode in that car...:) it also reminds me of all the fun treasure hunts mom use to make for us Richard.