Friday, August 3, 2007

My First Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging so excuse me everyone! I'm still trying this out to see if I like this way of communication or not. It's a bit more hassle than simply shooting off an email to people. Besides, how do people venture across this blog to begin with to even know that I've said something new? Anyway, at least they can look back at previous posts once they find it. And for me, I've got a neat way of looking back and reminiscing, ahhhh.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are basically two ways to get new readers: (1) Tell your friends and family about it outright, and hope they will subscribe. A disappointment is that sometimes even close friends will not subscribe, the possible reasons being perhaps numerous. (2) The other way is to post lots of interesting material, which will get picked up by search engines, leading people to your site; and to make lots of comments on other people's blogs, which will help people discover yours.