I'm enjoying the day off today after returning home last night with my family from a week long production at Ekebyholm, the Adventist high-school near Stockholm. This particular trip was unique because it was the first time that myself, the audio technician and our four Media Missionaries were the only ones who came from LifeStyleTV. The producer thought it would be better for me to lead this time while he and the others worked on other projects at the station. All I can say is that the Lord really blessed with a very smooth production. We taped every morning and night a week of prayer with Jeffrey Rosario. My crew and equipment performed very well and we all had a good time.
As a bonus, it happened to be Roxana's birthday that week, so we all took a day off between meetings on Thursday to have some fun in Stockholm. We took a quick trip by the castle where the king and queen live, ate at this amazing vegetarian all-you-can-stuff-yourself-silly restaurant that overlooks the river, and visited a museum that houses the Vasa, a 17th century Swedish war ship that sank in the harbor on her maiden voyage due to design flaws stubbornly held onto by the king at that time. Then we finished off at one of Stockholm's premier bakeries for cake and a tour by one of the bakers who happens to be a good friend and former Media Missionary at LifeStyleTV.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Trip to Stockholm
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Leaving LifeStyleTV
This week I officially put in my resignation at LifeStyleTV. This was anticipated because of the temporary work status that I qualified under when we moved here. But because of the critical nature of my position, this still means that I won't be leaving until 2nd Quarter,2008. In the mean time, I am helping to find a qualified replacement. I've begun to work on a job description that will go something like this:
Editor/Director Wanted
LifeStyleTV, a Christian media ministry based near Malmo, Sweden, is seeking a team player with a proficiency in Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Mac OS X and DVD Studio Pro programs to produce and edit various media projects as assigned. Applicant must be able to write scripts and create storyboards, be able to direct live programs at church and elsewhere as needed. Position requires a history of Christian dedication and willingness to relocate to Sweden. Please contact Claus Nybo at cn@lifestyletv.se to submit your cover letter and resume or call +46 415 425 10.
The question everyone is wondering now is, where are we going next? Well, we've left that in God's hands and we're still praying for His guidance.
Please keep us all in your prayers as we undertake this important next step in our lives.
~Richard and Family
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Richard III's Fourth Birthday
On Sunday, September 16th, two days after Richard III's Birthday, we held a small party for him and invited his best friend, Elliot. Elliot's dad is the Communication Director at LifeStyleTV. We organized a treasure hunt for the boys and Roxana made lots of yummy food that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Just before we sat down to eat, we spotted three moose in our back yard! That was probably the biggest birthday surprise of all.
~Richard & Roxana
Monday, October 1, 2007
Kivik Apple Mural
Recently, we drove out to the east coast of Sweden to the small town of Kivik. Each year they put on a special festival during apple season and one of the highlights is a large mural made entirely of local apples. It took 70,000 apples (5 tons) to create this work of art.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Moose Sighting
Yesterday, just before dinner we spotted three moose in our backyard. Sweden is known for having lots of moose, but the big deal was finding them here! This was the first time we had seen any in the area and the locals tell us that it is extremely rare to find them this far south.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Ramont Family Website
We are excited to announce the creation of a new website for our family and friends:
We want you to know about all the exciting things that are going on with our family as we live and work in the mission field here in Sweden. You will get periodic email updates from us and if you visit the website, there you will find photo and video galleries, links to ways you can contact us, and even local news and weather. So go ahead, check it out, and tell us how you like it either by posting a comment at the end of a particular article or simply by sending us an email. And if for any reason you would rather not get email from us, just let us know (we won't be offended, honest). Also, please pass this around to anybody we may have missed and let them know that they can subscribe right on the homepage.
Thanks and enjoy!
~Richard & Roxana
The Ramont Family - http://rramont.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Trip to LegoLand
From LegoLand |
Recently, my mom and sister came over for a short visit. One of the highlights of our time together was a trip to the original LegoLand in Denmark. We assumed it was located somewhere near Copenhagen which is about an hour's drive from where we live but it turned out to be a 3 1/2 hour train/bus ride beyond to the little town of Billund. The only redeeming factor to it being out in the sticks is that it was close to an airport. But all in all, it's worth the time spent getting there. Millions and millions of little tiny plastic bricks form beautiful scenery at every turn. It's a lot of fun to see and of course the boys throughly enjoyed it. For some scenes, they claim it would take a person 12 years to build by himself! I think it would be a lot of fun to work there. Can you imagine saying, "yeah, I play with Legos for a living"?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Trip to Romania
From Elviras Wedding |
From Mama Ana |
Vacation Bible School
From VBS |
Friday, August 10, 2007
Ambassadors for Christ 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Zachary's First Words
months. Here's a list of what he says:
- no
- mine
- I know
- what?
- papa (food)
- yuck
- apa (water)
- mama
- tata (daddy)
- Richard
- happy
- I'm fine
- te rog (please)
- gata (I'm finished)
- arde (it's hot)
- nani (sleep-baby word)
- hi
- bravo
- moo (when asked what the cow says)
- amen
LifeStyleTV Goes Live!
A lot of our solutions at LifeStyleTV are home-baked, cost-effective guerrilla techniques that don't always perform the way they should. But some how, by God's grace, we made it without any significant problems. The Shelton's were impressed and feedback emails from viewers confirmed that we were on the right track.
Inspiration Weekend 2007, Norway
Our destination was a small village on the outskirts of town, called Skotselv, home of the European Bible School. They were hosting a weekend of youth meetings and LifeStyleTV was asked to cover the event. The keynote speaker was a young Hispanic from BC, Canada named Jeffrey Rosario. He was a lot of fun to direct. He was full of interesting stories and strong spiritual applications. In fact, to hear what he said, click here.
Filming took most of my time, but Roxana and the boys had a lot of fun sledding when they got tired of sitting. The air was so cold, that crystals would form on your eyelashes and the inside of your nose felt like Velcro. Norway is gorgeous any time of year. I would have preferred Summertime, of course, but it was the family's first time and I didn't want to pass up the opportunity. Although the trip home took just as long, I'm still amazed at how well our 1 and 3 year olds did. They're real road warriors!
Friday, August 3, 2007
My First Blog
This is my first attempt at blogging so excuse me everyone! I'm still trying this out to see if I like this way of communication or not. It's a bit more hassle than simply shooting off an email to people. Besides, how do people venture across this blog to begin with to even know that I've said something new? Anyway, at least they can look back at previous posts once they find it. And for me, I've got a neat way of looking back and reminiscing, ahhhh.